Unified data integration and record identification framework for diverse data sources in healthcare demographics

Durga Chavali *

Manager, IT Applications, Trinity Information Services, Trinity Health, 20555 Victor Parkway, Livonia, USA.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(01), 1733–1738
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.22.1.1250
Publication history: 
Received on 15 March 2024; revised on 21 April 2024; accepted on 24 April 2024
Challenges of bridging data from different sources with diverse data formats are faced by organizations in the modern data management environment. Problems with disparate data sources leading to different formats and inconsistencies mean it can be challenging to get the right matching of data records, especially when information errors such as typos are present. The current lack of a standard pattern for data integration and record identification presents a major problem in ensuring the accurate identification of individual records across disparate sources. The variations in data formats and the abundance of errors, such as typographical mistakes in names, dates of birth, and gender, add to the complexity of this problem. Organizations face the challenge of ensuring the correctness and consistency of data across multiple datasets without a formalized methodology.
Unified data integration; Record identification; Patient demographics data; Health care data framework
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